Hello, and welcome to my new site,

I will be posting blog entries discussing topics regarding my work, Antique Restoration, and life subjects that relate to the work or the concepts explored. You can expect me to wander, ramble, and leave some topics open-ended or unresolved.

Your comments, professionally inspired or otherwise, are always welcome. Please feel free to ask a question that might start a blog discussion, or just bring up a matter that interests you.

Restoration vies for the title "oldest profession" on the planet! Man/womankind has been repairing its furnishings, improving design, and generally making the most out of limited resources since forever.

We are outlived by much of what we create. Most of us are painfully aware of how much is wasted in our daily lives. Maybe not by you, but by too many of us. Are we really going to change this?

On my own behalf, and for all those in related trades, I certainly hope that more and more people will see the value in maintaining and rehabilitating those things we already own, rather than throwing the good stuff away because of the misguided idea that new is better.

One of my responsibilities to a customer is to honestly inform them of the intrinsic worth of the piece of furniture we are discussing. There are many aspects to the concept of value (for later discussion), and a very important point to start with is whether or not the piece in question is of good quality, made of materials that will last and be repairable now and for some time to come.

I hope to hear from everyone interested in conservation, restoration, refinishing and all related topics. Let's let it rip!

May your life glow with a lovely patina,
